
There’s always a surprise gift beyond the perspective “box”…

There’s always so much more to what we perceive…

Have you ever been surprised by something, someone, or a situation that turned out to be so different than what you initially perceived them to be? 

I recently encountered two reminders of why having a sense of wonder, curiosity and an ability to look outside our perspective “box” is so important AND beneficial for us, in all life situations.

My first reminder was a light-hearted and simple experience.

I was silently hiking on a Nature trail, enjoying my surroundings, fully present to the moment.

Suddenly, I saw what looked like a bird dropping splattered on the trail ahead of me. Wildlife poop isn’t an uncommon thing to encounter in Nature, so I didn’t think much of it.

However, as I got nearer, this bird “poop” suddenly burst into life, flew up to me and perched on my hand!

What a delightful surprise it was to see this small butterfly with such a cleverly designed disguise!

It appeared to be splattered poop, but was in fact a gorgeous butterfly. I felt so honoured by this magickal little being.  


Winged bird dropping


My second reminder was through a beautiful Earth angel I have the joy of working with where I volunteer at “Bird TLC”.

She told me that she met a woman recently who shared a story that left a big impression on her. This woman offered help to a man in need of assistance, and he ended up beating her to the point where she was left for dead and now is disfigured and has loss of sight in one eye. Yet, despite this experience, she’s grateful for it, for she shared that he gave her the gift of her discovering how many people love her and truly care about her. She feels this was a priceless gift given to her through this horrifying experience.

It really is so easy to judge people or situations based on our own perceptions, our own stories, our own experiences… 

Yet, when we open our hearts beyond the boundaries of our perspectives, we allow ourselves to experience so much more.

We discover that, just as it’s easy to see the negative in the world, it’s possible to see the opposite spectrum in it too – the beauty, the gifts, the wonders, the love. It’s a matter of what we choose to focus on.

When we choose to be open to the gift in all situations and people… to have an understanding that there’s much more to what we perceive… to know that everything has a divine purpose…

That’s what we experience.

What’s one gift you received recently from shifting your perspective about someone, something or a situation?


With great love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille




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