
If you feel restless or bored, dive into the unknown!…

Nature is ever-changing.

Every day offers something completely new…

There’s a different sky, different weather combinations, different nuances to the environment, different sounds…

Changes are always in motion…

There are different seasons, different cycles of the moon, different phases with day and night, the tides flow in and recede, the humidity of the air fluctuates…

Nothing is ever boring or repeated in Nature.

3enews Royal Lake


Change is a natural and crucial part of life that keeps the life force energy moving and flowing.

Every moment brings the unknown for those in Nature and intimately connected with it (ex. those who depend on it to make a living).

If you’re feeling restless or bored, it’s an invitation to shake things up in your life – to shift the energy by trading your routine for the unknown.

As I observe the changing season, I’m reminded of Nature’s teaching about the natural flow of life.

Every night more leaves turn yellow, maroon or red with the colder temperatures and we wake up to a landscape of different colours.

Every day more birds get restless, flock together, and begin their long migration into the unknown, with the goal of reaching their southern overwintering destinations.

Every day the length of daylight shortens and the night sky displays the stars that much longer.

Change maintains harmony in different environments, whether outdoors in Nature or indoors with our own. 

The unknown gets us out of our routines and reminds us that there’s more to life than our comfort zones, where everything is familiar.

The unknown reminds us that there’s a lot more to us than what we’ve become used to.

The unknown invites us to discover things about ourselves and our world that we can’t even imagine as a possibility.

The unknown stretches us beyond our self-created limits, whether mentally, energetically, emotionally, physically, intuitively or spiritually.

It’s in our nature to experience the unknown…

When we learn something new, we stretch ourselves mentally.

When we experience a new connection, we stretch ourselves energetically.

When we love in a new way, we stretch ourselves emotionally.

When we hike a new trail, we stretch ourselves physically.

When we act from inner guidance, we stretch ourselves intuitively.

When we experience something extraordinary beyond logical explanation, we stretch ourselves spiritually.

Life is continuously inviting us to go with the flow of possibilities that are continuously co-created for us.

If you feel bored or restless, your heart and spirit are tuning in to this invitation and are nudging you to accept it. 

By diving into the unknown – however that might look for each of us – we accept the invitation and continue to evolve into who we really are.

If you feel restless or bored, what’s one thing you could do that’s completely different than your normal routine and would stretch you in one way or another?


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

Signature lucille


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