
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

The gift of being divine Nature – who is calling you?…

Yes, we as human beings are also very much Nature beings, however, for those immersed in urban environments, it’s easy to lose perspective of this…

Regardless, life is always communicating with us… It guides us every day, reminding us of who we are as individuals and as stewards of this glorious Mother Earth. It reflects back to us all the different aspects that make us who we uniquely are. It assists us by providing answers to our inquiring minds through synchronicities, symbols and confirmations.

Life also calls to our hearts to be experienced. There are places all over this vast planet that resonate deeply with who we are. These places call to us until we answer that call. Every environment radiates its specific frequency and at different times in our lives, we suddenly feel attracted to, or “nudged” to visit a certain place. This is a mutually beneficial invitation. There’s always more to visiting such places than we can even comprehend. It becomes an experience that affects us on all levels – way beyond our physical bodies…

This photograph was taken in the sacred Navajo “Owl Canyon” in northern Arizona. Sedona had called me for years and when the time came for me to answer the call, everything unfolded quite magickally… including the privilege of a sacred tour in northern Arizona which I hadn’t anticipated, but knew I had to participate in. It was such a profound experience, to be immersed in desert landscapes and canyons that clearly resonated with my soul. The pulse of Mother Earth surrounded and infused me in those canyons, more than any other place I had been to date. It felt so sacred…

If someone showed up to you today and said:

“You can go ANYWHERE you want in the world today – no limits, everything will be provided for you!”…

WHERE would you go? Why?

Who is calling you?

It could be a place (park, city, island, lake, mountains, beach, village, etc) or even beings in those places (family, tree beings, stone beings, avian, terrestrial or oceanic animals, etc)…

When we make the decision to answer that call, and allow the divinity of life to show us how to make that possible, and keep an open mind… magick unfolds in the most miraculous ways to make that manifest…!

Today, I invite you to think about that place that’s calling you and make the decision. Then allow life to guide you with the “how” and experience all that’s possible for you… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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