
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

A family as vast as the stars in our universe…

Within our hearts, most of us desire a world where love, kindness, appreciation, harmony, community and celebration of everyone’s individuality (including our own) prevail.

I truly believe this can be achieved. If we each lovingly embrace every type of being that exists in our global family, then we will co-create the world that we desire – from our hearts…

Our hearts know a language that is universal and when we use it, it’s an experience that is beyond words. We suddenly no longer have language barriers – communication is through love… Every being responds to true love…

In celebration of our divine family, I’m including different photos that I’ve taken across our glorious Mother Earth. These represent only some members, since our entire family is truly vast!… I invite you to think of more than who I’ve included here, and notice what you feel when you see these images… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit…


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