
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Collectively beneficial relationships…

Throughout Nature, we see examples of how life exchanges a give and take in balance, so that everyone benefits… this enables the ecosystems to thrive in harmony…

Pollinators receive food from flowers, mostly in the form of nectar, in exchange for fertilizing the blossoms… Herbivores eat plants and fruit that stimulate new growth while also dispersing the plants’ seeds… Carnivores select their prey in such a way that feeds them and keeps the population of the herbivores healthy… Fungus have specialized relationships with different trees and plants (like orchids) in which they receive nutrients while also metabolizing dead matter into usable nutrients for the trees’ and plants’ roots…

The caterpillars in this photograph might look like they’re not giving back for feeding on the plant’s leaves… however they will become monarch butterflies that will pollinate the plant’s blossoms to create fertile seeds… While the plant takes care of the butterfly’s next generation, the butterfly also takes care of the plant’s next generation. It’s a win-win.

Nature flourishes on relationships that benefit many… ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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