
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥


Like everything that exists, we’re also energy. Understanding this allows us to be more aware of how we affect each other through our own energy.

While there are many different frequencies or wavelengths of vibration, the one I’m featuring is Nature’s healing frequency.

When we’re in a normal awake state with a lot of mind chatter and stress, we’re at the Beta level. When we’re deeply relaxed and experience light meditation or day-dreaming we’re at the Alpha level. Nature operates at the Alpha level, so it naturally feels soothing to us. The Alpha level is actually our natural state of being. It’s the circumstances of hectic, stressful lifestyles that maintain the Beta level in most people.

This is also why wildlife can sense the frequency of people a long time before they see us. Unless we consciously practice being in the Alpha wave of a relaxed state, our Beta level mind chatter gives us away instantly in Nature. Wildlife of any species is ultra-sensitive to energy.

The easiest way to test which frequency we’re broadcasting is by observing the behavior of wildlife around us while we’re outdoors, especially in Nature.

When animals behave normally around us, going about their activities as if we weren’t there, even after making eye contact… we know we’re at the same frequency level. We don’t alarm them and it’s so wonderful to experience this state of harmony together. This is the greatest compliment we can receive from wildlife, for they’re pure truth. It benefits our state of well-being to not stay stuck at the Beta level. It’s also a good way to practice being in our hearts rather than in our minds. It opens our hearts even wider.

I’ve tested the energy of thoughts and emotions with wildlife. Without moving, as soon as I think something “loud” with a surge of emotion, such as “Oh, wow!”, it instantly breaks the state of harmony around me – all wildlife scatters! But once I resume my calm inner state of being, the animals return. They’re masters at maintaining the Alpha state of being by shaking off what creates disharmony within them (ex. after being chased by a predator).

I encourage you to test your own frequency when you’re around wildlife. It’s an easy way to become more conscious of how our energy, thoughts and emotions affect others at all times…  ♥


With love and wonder-filled spirit,

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