The splendour of crystals above and below... I've always loved and been fascinated by crystals... whether those that form below, within Mother Earth's nurturing body, or above on her beautiful surface... These treasures blossom under just the right, divinely orchestrated conditions, and produce countless varieties... Those below Earth's surface create every colour of the rainbow and beyond. They withstand extreme conditions such as immense pressure and heat that gift us their gloriously … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Luna and Gaia's intimate relationship... Every few days and nights around and on a Full Moon, I feel the energy intensely... Here on the celestial body of Mother Earth, we're affected by all other celestial bodies, especially in our solar system. We're not an Earth "bubble" separate from everything else in our glorious universe... We're all so connected and the most obvious example is closest to our home of Gaia... Since the Moon began its orbit around Earth, these two have had an … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
A family as vast as the stars in our universe... Within our hearts, most of us desire a world where love, kindness, appreciation, harmony, community and celebration of everyone's individuality (including our own) prevail. I truly believe this can be achieved. If we each lovingly embrace every type of being that exists in our global family, then we will co-create the world that we desire - from our hearts... Our hearts know a language that is universal and when we use it, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Winter's miraculous wonders... This gorgeous butterfly, known as a Milbert's tortoiseshell does something that is truly amazing for butterflies... It actually hibernates as an adult in Canada's freezing winter temperatures, by freezing completely!... Several species of this family of butterflies all do this... They find a sheltered location like a crevice in a tree, rock pile or buildings, to protect their fragile wings from the weather elements. Then they perch there and go dormant and … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Celestial paintings... I just so love, love, love how beautiful our sky gets "painted" with the most radiant colours at sunrise and sunset... Shades of gold, crimson, purple, pink, red, lavender, indigo, yellow, orange, peach, fuschia,... the nuances of colours fade and blaze and dance across the horizon... and it's always different!... How fortunate we are to be able to see and experience a new divinely created masterpiece every morning and evening, providing infinite sun-infused … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Artists of Nature... With the trees being bare of leaves, the birds' nests that were built in the spring and summer are now clearly visible. During my Nature hike today I noticed this beautifully woven nest hanging 40 feet above me in a tree (most likely the intricate work of a Baltimore Oriole). As I admired it, I was reminded of all the incredible artists of our natural world... to name a few... So many birds are expert weavers for their nests to withstand the weather's elements... … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sweet plumeria... While I love all flowers, I've always especially loved the red hibiscus flower and orchids. Then during my stay on the Big Island of Hawai'i for a few months, this species of plumeria unexpectedly became my favourite flower on the island!... The tree itself is so pretty, with a gentle and loving energy. When I went on my sunrise hikes every morning, I coincided my water breaks to be in locations where these trees grew along the road and deeply inhaled the so lovely … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sacred observations... When we take a pause of the continuous doing of life, and simply observe with wonder, curiosity and openness, we receive the wealth of reminders that Nature conveys to us... Taking this photograph for example, imagine yourself in that beautiful space... The breeze is caressing you and playing with your hair... The sun is kissing your skin... The air is scented with sunshine and ocean salt... The waves are rolling in and out as a sea turtle basks in the sunshine... … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Tree Beings, including the "Wise Ones"... While I greatly love ALL trees... when I encounter the "Wise Ones" that are so ancient compared with the lifespan of humans, I'm always left in awe... their energy is so tangible and vast... When we think about all the stories they hold from ages past... This one I'm hugging in the photograph is "Gog" near Glastonbury, UK... "Magog" also stands proudly beside it... Both are ancient Oak beings and are related with the legends of King … [Read more...]