By nature, people generally don't get excited about spending a rainy day outdoors - especially if there's wind included! However, there are definitely benefits to doing just that (as long as you dress up accordingly so you don't get cold). Early evening as the sun was setting today, I went for my daily Nature hike in one of my favourite trails near Anchorage, Alaska. The weather has been so mild these past couple of weeks that all the snow has disappeared. It was rainy and windy, with … [Read more...]
Nature’s lesson about flow instead of resistance…
When we're attuned to Nature with awareness, we notice the natural cycles of life as they unfold. The moon, the sun, the plants, the animals... they all speak to us and notify us of change. When we know the nuances of different environments, we can even tell when seasons are transitioning to another, regardless what month the calendar might say. Nature is ever-changing and doesn't follow the linear time that humans have created. It simply goes through its cycles and every year and … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The beauty of mini wildlife!... I've always been one to notice the tiny wildlife among us, as much as the more noticeable larger wildlife. I find them all so endearing and fascinating. Magickal beauty of SNAILS The collection of photos I'm sharing with you is all SNAILS and they are absolutely magnificent and mesmerizing! What a celebration of those tiny little beings!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Bird love is in the air!... Ahhhh... I so truly love hearing the love songs of Nature! Just these past couple of days, the endearing Black-Capped Chickadees have started singing their mating calls!... These cheerful little birds spend the whole year in central Canada, weathering the most intense cold of winter!... and amazingly, they begin to call out for mates as early as February, still in the middle of winter! Their clear notes that echo on the winter landscape as they sing to … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Wildlife's incredible hardiness... In central Canada, we're experiencing the second coldest winter in 120 years...! I certainly believe it, from the absolutely freezing cold temperatures that have lingered for over a month now... For example, -31 C (with the wind it feels like -41 C). What truly amazes me is that regardless of this deep freeze, I still have the pleasure of seeing Ravens, Woodpeckers, Nuthatches, Chickadees and Redpolls (like the one in the photo) flying and calling through … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Artists of Nature... With the trees being bare of leaves, the birds' nests that were built in the spring and summer are now clearly visible. During my Nature hike today I noticed this beautifully woven nest hanging 40 feet above me in a tree (most likely the intricate work of a Baltimore Oriole). As I admired it, I was reminded of all the incredible artists of our natural world... to name a few... So many birds are expert weavers for their nests to withstand the weather's elements... … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sense of wonder... I have no doubt in my mind (and heart) that animals have just as much a sense of wonder and beauty as we do... I've seen many different species looking at beautiful sunsets, just gazing without moving,... simply fully in the moment, looking mesmerized... I've seen many different species looking up at the brilliantly shining moon and sing or howl for no apparent reason except to express awe... I've seen many different species leisurely walk through a meadow of … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The gift of sacred stewardship... As stewards of Mother Earth's beautiful landscapes and all who inhabit these environments, we never know what an impact a simple act of love can do for others that we co-exist with... It doesn't take much effort, yet the effect can be tremendous... When I lived in the city many years ago, I used native plants (plants indigenous to the environment of the area, like prairie and woodland plants) in the landscaping of the yard instead of exotics. I chose these … [Read more...]
Wildlife as gardeners... This radiantly beautiful sunflower, the size of a little saucer, was planted by wildlife. It has grown beside a small pine tree. It's a mystery who exactly planted it and how, but the resulting surprise is simply glorious!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]