If you ever feel bad or guilty for saying "no" to someone, or you have a difficult time saying no to people or expressing your own needs to others (even when you know it's the right thing to do for your well-being)... and you end up continuously feeling drained, exhausted or just not your best self – may this video inspire and empower you! It's been well over a year at this point, since I last co-created and published a Sacred Earth Connection video, due to being … [Read more...]
Don’t burn out, take a “time out”…
In this world of schedules, long "to do" lists, high expectations and periodical chaos, it's easy to burn out. Modern society leaves people's bodies in a continuous "fight or flight" stress reaction, due to over-stimulation from multiple sources at the same time. Since so many people are under pressure to continuously do, do, do, "burn out" is one of the most common dis-eases of our time. It seems to take radical circumstances, such as a health crisis, to bring people to a grinding, … [Read more...]
The sacred can be inconspicuous…
It's easy to see a majestic, sunset-lit mountain and feel its sacredness. It's easy to see an ancient, giant tree towering in a forest and feel its sacredness. It's easy to see a magnificent whale breach with power and grace out of the ocean and feel its sacredness. It's easy to see a symphony orchestra playing with extraordinary skill and feel its sacredness. It's easy to feel the sacred when our spirits are captivated by the many grand wonders of Nature (humans included)... but … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Beautifully beneficial FORESTS... Forests create an incredible environment of healing energy. Anyone who has walked through a forest knows the feeling of deep peace and wellness that infuses our body, mind and spirit. Trees have incredibly vast aura fields and together they create healing vortexes... Japanese scientists have studied the effects of forest walks on people as "forest therapy". Their discoveries have been so impressive that Japanese companies have started … [Read more...]
Our wonderful feet were designed to receive Mother Earth's healing energy with every step... a divinely created relationship to maintain our well-being... (logically, it makes sense!... footwear with synthetic soles are a recent invention) Our feet's soles are like maps of our bodies which perspire continuously, filled with nerve endings and receptors. Water makes an exceptional conduit of energy (hence feet perspiration being genius). When our bare feet make contact with natural ground, … [Read more...]
Wildlife: perfect for testing our frequency…
We're complex beings as humans. So many aspects come together to just create our physical bodies. And all of it is beautiful energy - like everything that exists. Different frequencies affect us in different ways and understanding that can be used to our benefit. Energy can be defined into different wavelengths of vibration. Many of us experience a wide range within a 24 hour period depending on our lifestyle and if we sleep well. The brain itself has currently five known distinct waves … [Read more...]