Choice... We always have the ability to choose every single moment. It's easy to fall into unconscious patterns of choice... However, with awareness, we have the power to change life as we know it... A very simple example is how we react to our external world. When we choose a different reaction than what automatically comes up from conditioning, we suddenly change a pattern and THAT is a very powerful thing!... This can be applied to all situations in everyday life. Just one … [Read more...]
August 18, 2013 by Leave a Comment
Beautiful co-creation - it matters in all ways... I always marvel at the intricate work of spiders - their webs are such incredible works of art that they weave with precision and purpose. I'll always remember one sunrise in central Manitoba a few summers ago, when I was walking in Nature, and there was dew everywhere. On this particular morning, I happened to be walking at the perfect time to see the sunlight shine at the perfect angle, to transform every single spiderweb in this vast … [Read more...]