Nature is ever-changing. Every day offers something completely new... There's a different sky, different weather combinations, different nuances to the environment, different sounds... Changes are always in motion... There are different seasons, different cycles of the moon, different phases with day and night, the tides flow in and recede, the humidity of the air fluctuates... Nothing is ever boring or repeated in Nature. Change is a natural and crucial part … [Read more...]
Divine flow and manifestation…

We all have abilities beyond our common senses of perception and they far surpass the efficiency of logic. When we allow our mind chatter to calm down and simply shift our awareness to what we "feel" guided to do (and more often than not, it does not make logical sense), we align with our divine nature and the divinity of life, and all things become possible. When our minds take a break, we witness how everything suddenly falls into place beyond our expectations and we just know that we're … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Journeys into the unknown... As I watched this glorious Samhain sunset this evening, an enormous flock of Canada geese were flying in a long 'V' formation, southbound... They have begun their long migration to warmer locations in the southern U.S. or further... They don't let the unknowns of this incredible journey stop them... They just know when it's time to follow their calling and they go for it, using what they have... their own inner navigation system and wings!... ♥ (I … [Read more...]