There will always be a "worst case scenario" to the many life situations we find ourselves in and in so many cases, that's what the focus lands on. Regardless of the situation, the emphasis automatically seems to be on that negative "most probable outcome" and not necessarily on all the other possibilities available. It's always in our favour to keep in mind that for every situation, there is also a "best case scenario" (even if you receive a mere 0.1% chance of that scenario … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Mother Earth, our celestial HOME... Tomorrow, April 22nd is known officially as "Earth Day". It's a beautiful gesture to take the time to pause and celebrate our magnificent home in the solar system and universe for one day. I feel that if every day we took the time to appreciate our planet for all that she provides for us daily, which "Earth Day" brings into our awareness, things would be different in our world, in a good way. People who are more mindful of their roles as stewards … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Luna and Gaia's intimate relationship... Every few days and nights around and on a Full Moon, I feel the energy intensely... Here on the celestial body of Mother Earth, we're affected by all other celestial bodies, especially in our solar system. We're not an Earth "bubble" separate from everything else in our glorious universe... We're all so connected and the most obvious example is closest to our home of Gaia... Since the Moon began its orbit around Earth, these two have had an … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
A family as vast as the stars in our universe... Within our hearts, most of us desire a world where love, kindness, appreciation, harmony, community and celebration of everyone's individuality (including our own) prevail. I truly believe this can be achieved. If we each lovingly embrace every type of being that exists in our global family, then we will co-create the world that we desire - from our hearts... Our hearts know a language that is universal and when we use it, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Heart connections... Our hearts speak the universal language of love, which every form of life recognizes and understands... The highest energy frequency, with the power to create miracles, love flows through us all and unites us as a universal family... Nothing feels more divine than connecting with All through our love and hearts... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Our sacred garden in the universe... I just spent some time star-gazing... it's a cool and calm night with a crystal clear sky... so perfect, it's amazing that it's All Soul's Night and no snow... The stars, planets and Milky Way are so brilliant, it simply leaves me in absolute awe... So many things are just impossible to describe... not even photographs or words can capture how much those experiences move us at the level of our hearts and souls... We feel it within... Gazing up at … [Read more...]
Sacred geometry - the physical foundation of Nature including our bodies... Examples of sacred geometry are found everywhere throughout Nature. The most obvious form is the spiral, which we clearly see on pine cones, sea shells, animal horns, plant growth patterns. The center of this daisy also shows the spiral pattern. I love spirals. Other less obvious sacred geometry patterns are even found in our bodies (we're divinely created Nature too!). Leonardo da Vinci's "vitruvian man" … [Read more...]
Gaia's relationship with Luna... celebrating our "Supermoon" Full Moon!... Its official time depends on your location, but regardless, this Full Moon will appear brighter and closer than usual tonight and tomorrow night. Due to its elliptical orbit around Earth, its distance varies along its course, and so this Full Moon IS closer to Earth than during the rest of the year - hence the term "supermoon". Its effects will be greater because it's close AND a Full Moon. Anyone on or within … [Read more...]
Each of us has a unique affinity for different landscapes, colours, weather, seasons, climates, foods and times of the day... that make us feel more vibrant, inspired and grounded. It's our special relationship of mind, body and spirit with what our natural world offers to support us on our journey. Every one is different... Mornings might feel better than late evening... Autumn might feel better than Summer... tropical climates might feel better than temperate ones... meat might feel … [Read more...]