Since my focus remains primarily on the completion of “Sacred Possibilities” book 2, Divine Spirit and Nature have limited the inspiration I require, to co-create new Sacred Earth Connection videos (each one is a process that takes a lot of time). However, since I really enjoy the co-creative process, I was overjoyed to receive a sudden inspiration for this new video's timely message - a teaching from the mighty fire-scorched Oaks of California! In this world of … [Read more...]
The “worst case scenario” is only one of many possibilities…
There will always be a "worst case scenario" to the many life situations we find ourselves in and in so many cases, that's what the focus lands on. Regardless of the situation, the emphasis automatically seems to be on that negative "most probable outcome" and not necessarily on all the other possibilities available. It's always in our favour to keep in mind that for every situation, there is also a "best case scenario" (even if you receive a mere 0.1% chance of that scenario … [Read more...]
Your unique path is so sacred and needed…
In this day and age, it's so easy for people to judge a person's path as either being a spiritual one or a less spiritual one. People have preconceived ideas of what a person's life, job or work has to look like to qualify as being "spiritual" (based on perception). However, we're all spiritual beings by nature. Every part of us is a journey to experiencing more of our divinity in its infinite aspects. We can't have rainbows with just one colour - every aspect of us and experience is … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Divine timing... There IS such a thing as divinely perfect timing, regardless who we are or what our paths require of us... No matter how impatient we might feel at times, having that higher awareness and wisdom from experience allows us to enjoy the journey that much more... We just know when we've reached that divine timing because things just fall into place with the least amount of effort. We just have to trust and go with the flow... Just like these beautiful nestlings in … [Read more...]
I woke up bursting with creative energy! I was amazed to easily find everything I needed for a creative project, since most of my things are now packed in boxes... As I worked on my creation, my thoughts wandered... I found myself thinking about how trusting the process of my own journey (instead of comparing with everyone else's journeys) is KEY to joyfully savouring every moment, regardless what I'm doing... It's SO easy for all of us to compare with others, especially with the … [Read more...]