If you desire to live a truly empowered and fulfilling life, one of the greatest things you must do for yourself is to clarify, know and claim your own truth. Without knowing your personal truth, you don't live your own life, but are continuously living a life based on others' truths instead. Dragonfly is a truly magickal teacher in its two forms of life (water nymph and winged dragonfly), revealing a process that allows you to discover, clarify and strengthen your … [Read more...]
MOOSE teach: It’s our Hearts that Truly Matter [video]…
The immense power of our hearts' energy is divinely infinite with potential! Each of us have within us, the key to this beneficial, transformational power! I really missed recording Sacred Earth Connection videos this past (long) winter in Alaska, and then suddenly, "just like that", I received the opportunity and inspiration to do so while hiking in Nature two weeks ago (the evening before the New Moon). My surprise encounter with a big bull Moose was pure magick! The following … [Read more...]
6-LEAF CLOVER teaches: Dream Bigger Than Big! [video]…
As the sacred union between limitless Spirit and miraculous Nature, we, as human beings, are meant to experience the magnificent, the magickal, the miraculous - everything that defies logic, every day in our everyday life! It's living life in alignment with our divine, true nature. One of my favourite quotes, by Elbert Hubbard, beautifully expresses this: "The supernatural is the natural not yet understood.". It's so true! The more light-hearted and playful we are about our desires, the … [Read more...]
DANDELIONS teach: Live Empowered, not Suppressed… [video]…
If there's any part of you that you don't express, since it's different (would make you stand out) and might trigger judgement, criticism or other forms of disapproval, may this video inspire and empower you... Suppression has unfortunately been a part of life ever since certain individuals decided that it was best to control the behavior of societies, based on what they personally deemed to be "normal", "acceptable" and "proper" conduct. Suppression has infiltrated our way of life throughout … [Read more...]
The powerful sacred gift of our Physical bodies…
The power of our Physical bodies has unfortunately been enshrouded in untruths, shame and controversy throughout history and our present time. When we remember, as a collective, how sacred our physical bodies are, the entire world will benefit from this. The following personal story conveys the immense power of our physical bodies, governed by the sacred element of Earth… Until 2012, only a select few soul sisters knew about this experience, for it’s something very … [Read more...]
Our divine gift of sacred co-creation with Nature & Spirit…
Have you ever experienced desiring something from your heart and you received exactly what you desired (or something even better)? Or have you ever had a sudden inquiry in your mind about something and the answer showed up for you in an unexpected way shortly after? Or have you ever wondered about a decision you needed to make and you received a clear form of guidance that felt divinely timed or orchestrated? This is something that I used to experience sporadically in my younger years and it … [Read more...]