When we're attuned to Nature with awareness, we notice the natural cycles of life as they unfold. The moon, the sun, the plants, the animals... they all speak to us and notify us of change. When we know the nuances of different environments, we can even tell when seasons are transitioning to another, regardless what month the calendar might say. Nature is ever-changing and doesn't follow the linear time that humans have created. It simply goes through its cycles and every year and … [Read more...]
Life supports us every step of the way in many forms... Wow... so many transitions are occurring with MANY!... we can barely keep up it seems!... BUT, we're not doing this alone and we're not expected to either! ... I've been seeing so many beautiful dragonflies of all types and colours... they are also masters of transformational transitions and they do it with so much grace... From eggs, to aquatic nymphs to agile masters of flight - truly inspiring to see! When you feel like … [Read more...]
The sunset and dusk, and the sunrise and dawn, feel very powerful to me... They are those special times of transition between day and night that hold sacred space for us to feel part of a much greater whole... a much larger picture than we can imagine... a much vaster world than we're aware of... When the sun is at our level of existence on the horizon, shining gloriously for us all to see, it reminds us of our own inner radiant light, and how related we all are through this … [Read more...]