Life is a lot like that. We receive invitations through opportunities, inspirations and heart desires, to create, experience or acquire something. And we end up on a journey, like nothing we could have imagined - just to "get there"! Life's and our own divinity are so wise and clever. It's always so much more than the "destination". These invitations are about the journeys that they entice us to embark on. In doing so, we experience more of life, more of who we are, and discover what … [Read more...]
Feathers instead of bear poop…
I've learned from decades of experience, that our sacred hearts have infinite wisdom and their guidance is always for our highest good. Even when we feel guided into something that might bring up fears in some form, there's always a brilliant gem waiting to reveal itself, if we have the courage to follow through with this higher guidance. Trust in ourselves and in the divinity of life, is the key that enables us to follow this source of higher guidance. Yesterday evening I … [Read more...]
Unexplored trails that lead us to discover more of our world's magnificence... I love exploring trails and paths, whether for the first time or not, there's always so much to discover, learn and savour... Each new one is a journey into the unknown... Each journey is another opportunity to discover new wonders... Nature always has something different to offer us every moment, and every path and trail invites exploration within and without... ♥ With love and wonder-filled … [Read more...]