You're more like the sun than you might realize!... Have you ever heard about how plants do so much better when you show them affectionate attention and loving appreciation in various ways? Have you ever wondered why that is, or considered that perhaps they respond to love the way they respond to sunlight? Now that there's visible sunlight all day and night here in Alaska, I recently enjoyed a beautiful sunset at the shore of the Knik Arm water channel that flows by Anchorage. As I watched … [Read more...]
NATURE teaches: Personal Filters are Limiting [video]…
Whether you're conscious of it or not, you have personal filters that are unique to you, and dictate how you perceive everything in life. No one else experiences life the way you do. Our personal filters are most apparent when we interact with other people - especially in a group where we've experienced something together, and when we discuss it afterwards, we each have different details that stood out for us. Our filters make certain things prominent for us in an experience, while other … [Read more...]
Do you see the “cosmic winks” on your journey?…
A "frosty" rainbow's appearance was impeccable timing on Sunday!... Do you recognize Spirit's "cosmic winks" when they show up in your life? A while ago I had posted on Facebook about how truly amazed I was by the number of rainbows I've seen here in Alaska since May. Most have been in the city of Anchorage - and this is just counting the arching rainbows that form in the sky and "touch" the land. So many manifested since my arrival, that I can say I've seen more here in half a year … [Read more...]
The power of love is beyond logic…
By nature, we are love. We're also miracles. Science can state the facts of observation, but in the end, only divine love creates and explains the miraculous. Science can't explain how two microscopic cells that unite, transform into countless forms of life, including human beings. They simply do, and divine love makes it possible - it makes anything and everything possible. When we recognize the miraculous in ourselves and in the environments that surround us, we can begin to grasp … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
The gift of being divine Nature - who is calling you?... Yes, we as human beings are also very much Nature beings, however, for those immersed in urban environments, it's easy to lose perspective of this... Regardless, life is always communicating with us... It guides us every day, reminding us of who we are as individuals and as stewards of this glorious Mother Earth. It reflects back to us all the different aspects that make us who we uniquely are. It assists us by providing answers to … [Read more...]
During another wonder-filled hike, I found a peacock feather on my path (and this wasn't a typical path... we were creating our own path)! I was informed by my dear companions that I'm the first to find a peacock feather on this acreage of land since they've lived in this area (nearing 2 years)!... Then... I later found in my inbox an e-newsletter that I rarely receive, titled "Being the change, embracing transformation and peacock medicine!" which was sent around the same time I found … [Read more...]