You're more like the sun than you might realize!... Have you ever heard about how plants do so much better when you show them affectionate attention and loving appreciation in various ways? Have you ever wondered why that is, or considered that perhaps they respond to love the way they respond to sunlight? Now that there's visible sunlight all day and night here in Alaska, I recently enjoyed a beautiful sunset at the shore of the Knik Arm water channel that flows by Anchorage. As I watched … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Celestial paintings... I just so love, love, love how beautiful our sky gets "painted" with the most radiant colours at sunrise and sunset... Shades of gold, crimson, purple, pink, red, lavender, indigo, yellow, orange, peach, fuschia,... the nuances of colours fade and blaze and dance across the horizon... and it's always different!... How fortunate we are to be able to see and experience a new divinely created masterpiece every morning and evening, providing infinite sun-infused … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sweet plumeria... While I love all flowers, I've always especially loved the red hibiscus flower and orchids. Then during my stay on the Big Island of Hawai'i for a few months, this species of plumeria unexpectedly became my favourite flower on the island!... The tree itself is so pretty, with a gentle and loving energy. When I went on my sunrise hikes every morning, I coincided my water breaks to be in locations where these trees grew along the road and deeply inhaled the so lovely … [Read more...]
Infinite possibilities... At every dawn, whether sunrise or every symbolic dawns of life, infinite possibilities await us... Every decision we make invites different possibilities to manifest... As the sun was rising this morning, glorious colours painted the clouds and sky, with a large flock of crows gathering nearby... Magick is in the air... full of possibilities... it's always there if we choose to experience it... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Our ever-changing Sky... I'm always as aware of what's going on above me as around me. Our sky is so dynamic with ever-changing colours created by the sun (sunrises, sunsets, rainbows, aurora borealis), clouds, flying animals and objects, storms, winds, stars, planets, moon... A lot of people seem surprised to find me observing the sky when they notice me doing so... they expect to see something amazing since I'm looking up!... I find our sky extraordinary as it is, at all times, … [Read more...]
The sunset and dusk, and the sunrise and dawn, feel very powerful to me... They are those special times of transition between day and night that hold sacred space for us to feel part of a much greater whole... a much larger picture than we can imagine... a much vaster world than we're aware of... When the sun is at our level of existence on the horizon, shining gloriously for us all to see, it reminds us of our own inner radiant light, and how related we all are through this … [Read more...]
I've always loved the sunrise and sunset... It was so wonderful to land on the Big Island just on time to witness a glorious sunset from the location where we deplaned... what incredible timing! A very special moment. I savoured it with my heart, refraining from reaching for my camera. I did photograph last night's sunset though which I'm posting to share with you - it was so awe-inspiring with the clouds!... At times it reminded me of the glorious stone canyons in Arizona, and other times it … [Read more...]