Divinely created masterpieces... While everything created by the Divine is a glorious miracle that fills me with loving wonder and reverence, I discover particular creations at times that seem to burst with artistic joy!... When I first discovered this Green Darner dragonfly (in my former urban backyard of gardens)... I was in absolute awe!... Not only is its size of 4 inches from wing tip to wing tip very impressive, but the colour combinations are so striking and bedazzling! This one … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Life, such a gift... We're so blessed to experience life in our physical bodies, here on such a magnificent planet, Mother Earth... To experience everything through our multi-dimensional senses, beyond just our physical senses... what a gift we have here on Earth... When I was a child, I spent as much time as I could outdoors in Nature... I loved to explore, observe, experience life with all my senses... When I couldn't go outdoors, I would spend hours just looking at books filled with … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sense of wonder... I have no doubt in my mind (and heart) that animals have just as much a sense of wonder and beauty as we do... I've seen many different species looking at beautiful sunsets, just gazing without moving,... simply fully in the moment, looking mesmerized... I've seen many different species looking up at the brilliantly shining moon and sing or howl for no apparent reason except to express awe... I've seen many different species leisurely walk through a meadow of … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Our multi-dimensional world... So much beauty and wonders exist beyond what we normally perceive in this physical dimension... We can perceive it with our many other senses - the intuitive, spiritual senses of sight, hearing, feeling, knowing, etc... Once in a while though, our technology captures things that our physical sight didn't notice, and while our logical minds quickly dismiss these captured wonders as mere light reflections or other explanation... we just KNOW that it … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Beautifully beneficial FORESTS... Forests create an incredible environment of healing energy. Anyone who has walked through a forest knows the feeling of deep peace and wellness that infuses our body, mind and spirit. Trees have incredibly vast aura fields and together they create healing vortexes... Japanese scientists have studied the effects of forest walks on people as "forest therapy". Their discoveries have been so impressive that Japanese companies have started … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Animal Spirit Guides & Guardians... We all have at least one and today I honour mine for travelling the journey of life with me... some since I was very young, and others have joined me within the past couple of years and even more recently... When you encounter an animal in an unusual way, or repeatedly within a short period of time, or you've always felt a connection with a certain animal (whether mammal, reptile, bird, insect, fish, etc...), look them up and see what message they … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Ancient wisdom that transcends time... Our ancestors had such an intimate connection with our natural world of Earth and Cosmos, Nature and Spirit... They had knowledge about countless sacred places of power on Mother Earth, some now known worldwide as vortexes, others simply marked by ancient ruins or places of worship... yet so many more exist quietly within Nature - treasures for those of us who discover them... When we connect with our own hearts and that of Gaia, we have access … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sooooo much abundance...! Today we're celebrating Thanksgiving in Canada... Today and every day, I give thanks with love and appreciation for all the abundance I have in my life in so many forms... Truly blessed!... and you (all heart connections in the world) are part of that abundance... Thank you... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sacred seeds that become life as we know it... It's truly amazing-beyond-words to think that such small seeds, from the microscopic to the ping-pong ball sized, contain everything to become magnificent trees, vibrant plants, diverse animals, complex human beings... Truly one of life's greatest magick and miracles... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
The completely unexpected...! (Spirit has a sense of humour) I was sitting on the veranda to enjoy the gorgeous weather while I write my book... There's so many extremes going on, I asked Spirit for a clear sign to confirm that I'm still on track and everything is exactly as it should be... Shortly after, a little bird like the one in the photo (a junco), suddenly flew up to a window, flutter-stopped just before boinking itself in it, then flew up to me a few yards away, PERCHED on my … [Read more...]