Each of us has a unique affinity for different landscapes, colours, weather, seasons, climates, foods and times of the day... that make us feel more vibrant, inspired and grounded. It's our special relationship of mind, body and spirit with what our natural world offers to support us on our journey. Every one is different... Mornings might feel better than late evening... Autumn might feel better than Summer... tropical climates might feel better than temperate ones... meat might feel … [Read more...]
April 27, 2013 by Leave a Comment
Hiking along the beautiful lava coast at Pu'uhonua o Honaunau, I marvelled at how much plant life has not only sprouted, but is thriving on the hard lava stone...! The diversity of vegetation and colours against the black lava is truly spectacular... as are the butterflies that visited the flowers. I was so surprised and delighted to see a graceful Monarch butterfly glide around us - a species I'm familiar with in Canada that is very special to me. I had no idea that it also flourishes in … [Read more...]