If you've ever wondered if there's any benefit to investing time and energy, in your busy practical life, into nurturing a strong connection with the divinity of life (the Divine, Mother Earth, Spirit and Nature) through your wise heart of higher "knowing", the answer is YES, absolutely! While I share COUNTLESS examples attesting to this, from my personal life spanning decades in all aspects of life (including the practical), in my first "Sacred Possibilities" book, as well as in my second … [Read more...]
Magick unfolds when we’re open to receiving!…
Nature and Spirit continue to reveal this world’s wonders to me in the most surprising, delightful ways!... I recently received an incredible gift, totally “out of the blue” that launched me on an adventure, and it was the type of manifestation that always feels like there’s sooo much more to it than “meets the eye”! Michael and I have been feeling called to California, but it’s a huge state, so I simply opened myself to guidance about where we might be called to “land”, when it’s time. On … [Read more...]
The cataclysmic power of Storm within our lives…
The sacred element of Storm governs our Wholeness, combining all first four sacred elements to work together in harmony. While it can appear to be chaos when it shows up, it actually creates beneficial change, encouraging continued (and accelerated) personal growth. With awareness, we can courageously embrace it and receive the gifts it brings to our lives on all levels, as the following personal story demonstrates (in a more extreme example)… Towards the end of … [Read more...]