This has been such a prominent inquiry this past week, that I've decided to post a reference here (as I'm sure many more are wondering the same thing!). I thank all of you who have asked so that this may serve many more. So how do you interpret the significance or meaning of your personal essence signs and language? What does a sign mean for you when you receive it? What is its message? It's important to keep in mind that we're all so unique, and therefore every sign can mean … [Read more...]
Feathers instead of bear poop…
July 30, 2014 by Leave a Comment
I've learned from decades of experience, that our sacred hearts have infinite wisdom and their guidance is always for our highest good. Even when we feel guided into something that might bring up fears in some form, there's always a brilliant gem waiting to reveal itself, if we have the courage to follow through with this higher guidance. Trust in ourselves and in the divinity of life, is the key that enables us to follow this source of higher guidance. Yesterday evening I … [Read more...]