Fascinatingly rare and 'weird' wonders of our world... While admiring multiple varieties of mushrooms in a particular trail, I was amazed to discover that an entire patch of the bordering forest was sheltering the most unusal flowers I have ever seen or heard of yet - at first glance they looked like mushrooms (since I saw the white ones first). Known as the "ghost plant" or "Indian pipe", it has no need for light to grow - it has no chlorophyll. It behaves like a mushroom, yet it's a … [Read more...]
The gifts of our shadows... Every time we step more into who we truly are (not who we think we are), we become more radiant - our inner light shines more. The more light shines, the more it reveals our shadows... and that's a gift! It's what wants to be transformed. Our shadows are all those aspects of us that create disharmony within us - our fears, our self-doubts, our insecurities, our "issues", our triggers... They show up so that we become aware of them and can transform them into … [Read more...]
What a spectacular lizard the MO'O is!!!... and the way they observe and look at you with those turquoise-rimmed eyes is so endearing!... How fun it must have been to create such a delightfully colourful little being!... I doubt that anyone can look at these little lizards and not smile - their colours exude joy!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
When you’re inspired… you inspire!…
I feel so inspired, I've been working on my book with a wonderfully continuous flow that mirrors the steady flow of rain pouring from the clouds... We're all like unique satellite receivers and transmitters, allowing for two-way inspiration to flow in and out of us,... receiving inspiration from Spirit through various means (including Nature, experiences, people...) and transmitting inspiration by being our radiant selves (the more we shine in what we do and who we are, the more we … [Read more...]
During another wonder-filled hike, I found a peacock feather on my path (and this wasn't a typical path... we were creating our own path)! I was informed by my dear companions that I'm the first to find a peacock feather on this acreage of land since they've lived in this area (nearing 2 years)!... Then... I later found in my inbox an e-newsletter that I rarely receive, titled "Being the change, embracing transformation and peacock medicine!" which was sent around the same time I found … [Read more...]
This is an obvious and Divine ✿ Nature Teaching ✿... Within every seed of life, there's everything required to create the most glorious blossoming plants, majestic trees, beautiful animals of incredible diversity and divinely loving humans... The question is... do we allow ourselves to blossom into our fullest potential, like our global kin who don't have the freedom of choice that we have?... If we all allowed our heart seeds to lead our growth, what would we discover about who we … [Read more...]
Woke up just before 4am... and the Full Moon is shining so bright through my lanai glass/screen doors... wow is it ever glorious!!! The photo really doesn't do it justice!... I'm enjoying the surrounding chorus of nocturnal crickets, cicadas, frogs and... funny, a few roosters in the distance are also calling out... to the Full Moon perhaps?!!... I wish you a wonder-full ecliptic Full Moon day!... Definitely worth waking up at this time to experience this!... ♥ With … [Read more...]
I've always loved the sunrise and sunset... It was so wonderful to land on the Big Island just on time to witness a glorious sunset from the location where we deplaned... what incredible timing! A very special moment. I savoured it with my heart, refraining from reaching for my camera. I did photograph last night's sunset though which I'm posting to share with you - it was so awe-inspiring with the clouds!... At times it reminded me of the glorious stone canyons in Arizona, and other times it … [Read more...]
We all count, more than we can imagine!…
Mushrooms and other fungi are greatly undervalued for the highly significant roles they play in our environment... They keep our forests healthy by decomposing dead matter and recycle them into usable nutrients for other life-forms like the trees, plants, etc. Plants like the beautiful orchids would not even exist without special species of fungi that they evolved with. No matter what role we play in our world, when we are at our best, and use our unique qualities, talents and gifts, … [Read more...]