Since my focus remains primarily on the completion of “Sacred Possibilities” book 2, Divine Spirit and Nature have limited the inspiration I require, to co-create new Sacred Earth Connection videos (each one is a process that takes a lot of time). However, since I really enjoy the co-creative process, I was overjoyed to receive a sudden inspiration for this new video's timely message - a teaching from the mighty fire-scorched Oaks of California! In this world of … [Read more...]
PORCUPINE teaches: Wisely Defend What Is Sacred [video]…
Life is full of unexpected journeys, on all levels of who we are as human beings and as part of this beautiful world of Mother Earth! This year, I ended up spending the summer in Alaska with my husband Michael, due to his terminally ill father. We had no idea we'd be staying almost 3 months, but received incredible, divine blessings with the surprise timing, by answering the call as soon as Alaska lifted some of its restrictions to travelers in early June (put in place in response to the … [Read more...]
CATERPILLAR teaches: Divine Support Is Invaluable [video]…
If you've ever wondered if there's any benefit to investing time and energy, in your busy practical life, into nurturing a strong connection with the divinity of life (the Divine, Mother Earth, Spirit and Nature) through your wise heart of higher "knowing", the answer is YES, absolutely! While I share COUNTLESS examples attesting to this, from my personal life spanning decades in all aspects of life (including the practical), in my first "Sacred Possibilities" book, as well as in my second … [Read more...]
SEASONS teach: Change is an Essential Blessing [video]…
If you're someone who tends to resist change or you find yourself facing change that pushes you way beyond your comfort zone, may this video encourage you, by providing a different perspective from Nature. As Nature beings ourselves, our natural environments and their inhabitants continuously impart wisdom to assist us on our paths of life, in everyday life. While change is a phenomenon that can make us feel all sorts, from excited or joyful to extremely stressed or … [Read more...]
The cataclysmic power of Storm within our lives…
The sacred element of Storm governs our Wholeness, combining all first four sacred elements to work together in harmony. While it can appear to be chaos when it shows up, it actually creates beneficial change, encouraging continued (and accelerated) personal growth. With awareness, we can courageously embrace it and receive the gifts it brings to our lives on all levels, as the following personal story demonstrates (in a more extreme example)… Towards the end of … [Read more...]
The powerful sacred gift of our Physical bodies…
The power of our Physical bodies has unfortunately been enshrouded in untruths, shame and controversy throughout history and our present time. When we remember, as a collective, how sacred our physical bodies are, the entire world will benefit from this. The following personal story conveys the immense power of our physical bodies, governed by the sacred element of Earth… Until 2012, only a select few soul sisters knew about this experience, for it’s something very … [Read more...]
Life in Divine alliance is SO amazing beyond what we can ever imagine!
You just never know what truly incredible journey will unfold or what pure magick will manifest, when you receive Higher guidance in some way, and choose to trust it wholeheartedly—no matter how unusual it may be or how long the journey may take. Aside from trust, it can require a lot of courage, faith, patience and perseverance. However, trusting in your supportive divine allies (the Divine and divinity of life: Spirit, Nature and Humanity—including your own) will reveal phenomenal, … [Read more...]
Honouring a spirit guide: Bald Eagle (a personal story)…
While our greatest allies are our own sacred hearts, there's something so special about experiencing alliances with others from a place of love, with a shared vision. As human beings, we have an ancient alliance with the beings of Nature from all kingdoms. These beings can choose to work with us from a spirit level at different times in our life and are invaluable allies in all areas of life. I've been aware of my own Spirit Guides for years, and some have entered my life in more dramatic … [Read more...]
“DEVIL’S CLUBS” teach: Beauty or Beast? Wisdom [video]…
Have you ever had the experience of suddenly noticing something for the first time, even though you've looked at that person, animal, plant or environment countless times before? It's as if you suddenly no longer have blinders on, and you can truly see? We all have our own unique filters of perception. Our filters are continuously shifting with our personal growth and experiences. Everything we experience through our senses is automatically analyzed and judged, based on our conditioning … [Read more...]