If you've ever wondered if there's any benefit to investing time and energy, in your busy practical life, into nurturing a strong connection with the divinity of life (the Divine, Mother Earth, Spirit and Nature) through your wise heart of higher "knowing", the answer is YES, absolutely! While I share COUNTLESS examples attesting to this, from my personal life spanning decades in all aspects of life (including the practical), in my first "Sacred Possibilities" book, as well as in my second … [Read more...]
Life in Divine alliance is SO amazing beyond what we can ever imagine!
You just never know what truly incredible journey will unfold or what pure magick will manifest, when you receive Higher guidance in some way, and choose to trust it wholeheartedly—no matter how unusual it may be or how long the journey may take. Aside from trust, it can require a lot of courage, faith, patience and perseverance. However, trusting in your supportive divine allies (the Divine and divinity of life: Spirit, Nature and Humanity—including your own) will reveal phenomenal, … [Read more...]
Honouring a spirit guide: Bald Eagle (a personal story)…
While our greatest allies are our own sacred hearts, there's something so special about experiencing alliances with others from a place of love, with a shared vision. As human beings, we have an ancient alliance with the beings of Nature from all kingdoms. These beings can choose to work with us from a spirit level at different times in our life and are invaluable allies in all areas of life. I've been aware of my own Spirit Guides for years, and some have entered my life in more dramatic … [Read more...]