Have you ever thought of clouds as more than just puffs of condensed humidity in the atmosphere? What if you could communicate with the divinity of life through the clouds? What if you could perceive the supportive divine consciousness in amazing ways through these master shape-shifters, as messengers? Clouds are my featured guest in this video, and you will see amazing formations in the sky through my photographs and video footage at the end... including a dragon head … [Read more...]
CLOUDS teach: Nature’s Divinity is Aware of Us [video]…
Filed Under: Blog, Guidance & Insights, Mystical & Divine Flow Experiences, Nature Experiences, Nature teachings [VIDEOS], Perspective-Shifting Facts of Nature, Synchronicities & Signs Tagged With: cloud beings, cloud symbols, clouds as messengers, divine awareness, Divine consciousness, divine guidance, divine messengers, divine support, divinity of life, heart language, infinite possibilities, messages through clouds, sacred alliance, shape-shifters, soul language, soul symbols, spirit guides