Have you ever experienced desiring something from your heart and you received exactly what you desired (or something even better)? Or have you ever had a sudden inquiry in your mind about something and the answer showed up for you in an unexpected way shortly after? Or have you ever wondered about a decision you needed to make and you received a clear form of guidance that felt divinely timed or orchestrated? This is something that I used to experience sporadically in my younger years and it … [Read more...]
Our divine gift of sacred co-creation with Nature & Spirit…
Filed Under: Blog, Guidance & Insights, Mystical & Divine Flow Experiences, Nature Experiences, Perspective-Shifting Facts of Nature, Synchronicities & Signs Tagged With: Bald Eagle, black cottonwood, co-creation, Diamondback Rattlesnake, divine co-creation, divine guidance, divinity, dragon, feathers, magick, Nature, Nature treasures, new moon, phantom quartz crystal, phoenix, power animals, rainbow quartz crystal, raven, sacred, sacred co-creation, sacred relationship, Solar Eclipse, Spirit, Spring Equinox, true nature, walking staff, walking stick, winter solstice
Spirit messages guide us through life…

Life is divinely supportive at every moment. It communicates with us all the time, providing guidance on our journeys in life. The question is whether we're paying attention or not... or know how to recognize these personal messages. We all have our own unique way of perceiving the world based on our personal "filters" of experiences. We also have our own language of symbols. We recognize certain things that have meaning to us, which wouldn't mean anything to someone … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Blog, Guidance & Insights, Mystical & Divine Flow Experiences, Synchronicities & Signs Tagged With: awareness, guidance, guide, heart, intuition, love, meditation, messages, Nature, Power Animal, rainbow, raven, sacred, Spirit, wisdom