Resplendent colours of Autumn... While I love all the shades of green that dominate the Summer landscape, the fire colours of Autumn are such a beauty to behold as they radiate yellow, gold, red, burgundy, purple, orange, bronze, copper... simply glorious!... ♥ (Wishing you all a wonder-filled EQUINOX - Autumn for us in the north, Spring for you in the south!) With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Sacred geometry - the physical foundation of Nature including our bodies... Examples of sacred geometry are found everywhere throughout Nature. The most obvious form is the spiral, which we clearly see on pine cones, sea shells, animal horns, plant growth patterns. The center of this daisy also shows the spiral pattern. I love spirals. Other less obvious sacred geometry patterns are even found in our bodies (we're divinely created Nature too!). Leonardo da Vinci's "vitruvian man" … [Read more...]
Hearts abound in Nature!... Every day, no matter where I am, I see heart shapes in the natural world... Leaves, clouds, rocks, seashells, branch formations, flower petals, bird formations, ocean bubbles... and the list goes on... I'm sure you can add your own to the list also. Our natural world has a healing frequency that vibrates at the level of love... it radiates what created it - Divine love. I find it so beautiful that heart shapes appear everywhere - a visual expression … [Read more...]