Resplendent colours of Autumn... While I love all the shades of green that dominate the Summer landscape, the fire colours of Autumn are such a beauty to behold as they radiate yellow, gold, red, burgundy, purple, orange, bronze, copper... simply glorious!... ♥ (Wishing you all a wonder-filled EQUINOX - Autumn for us in the north, Spring for you in the south!) With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
Wildlife as gardeners... This radiantly beautiful sunflower, the size of a little saucer, was planted by wildlife. It has grown beside a small pine tree. It's a mystery who exactly planted it and how, but the resulting surprise is simply glorious!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
The gifts of our shadows... Every time we step more into who we truly are (not who we think we are), we become more radiant - our inner light shines more. The more light shines, the more it reveals our shadows... and that's a gift! It's what wants to be transformed. Our shadows are all those aspects of us that create disharmony within us - our fears, our self-doubts, our insecurities, our "issues", our triggers... They show up so that we become aware of them and can transform them into … [Read more...]
When you’re inspired… you inspire!…
I feel so inspired, I've been working on my book with a wonderfully continuous flow that mirrors the steady flow of rain pouring from the clouds... We're all like unique satellite receivers and transmitters, allowing for two-way inspiration to flow in and out of us,... receiving inspiration from Spirit through various means (including Nature, experiences, people...) and transmitting inspiration by being our radiant selves (the more we shine in what we do and who we are, the more we … [Read more...]