Divine creations with a high smile-inducing factor... There are certain beings in our world that, when we happen to encounter them, we just can't help but instantly smile and feel so joyful in their presence because they're sooooo endearing to us. There's just something about them that hugs our hearts!... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
July 30, 2013 by Leave a Comment
The gloriously majestic beings we know as Mountains... I'm always left in absolute awe in the presence of mountains, whether on ground level or above in the sky... They command such a strong presence with powerful energies. Every range or group has its own energy and many mountains also display powerfully unique energy of their own as individuals. They bridge Earth and Sky, the mundane and the spiritual, in magnificent ways. They facilitate the communion with the realm of Spirit and all … [Read more...]