As human beings we have the ability to look back on our life experiences. This can be such a gift when we do so with awareness, for we're able to discover patterns, "connect the dots" and see things from a greater perspective. We can see how much we've personally transformed, evolved, and experienced. It can also assist us in living more consciously in the present moment... When we see the impact that every decision we've made, has had on the rest of our lives, we also become aware of how … [Read more...]
Miracles, miracles and more miracles…
At this time it can be quite easy to look at this world's chaos and wonder if we'll even make it another decade on this precious planet. Many have expressed their concerns to me lately. However, we always have the freedom to choose what we focus on and the media rarely focuses on the beautiful and positive. When we focus on what seems like madness in the world, our energy plummets and we can easily feel overwhelmed. When we focus on the love in our world, our energy elevates as we … [Read more...]
Sacred geometry - the physical foundation of Nature including our bodies... Examples of sacred geometry are found everywhere throughout Nature. The most obvious form is the spiral, which we clearly see on pine cones, sea shells, animal horns, plant growth patterns. The center of this daisy also shows the spiral pattern. I love spirals. Other less obvious sacred geometry patterns are even found in our bodies (we're divinely created Nature too!). Leonardo da Vinci's "vitruvian man" … [Read more...]