Nature is ever-changing. Every day offers something completely new... There's a different sky, different weather combinations, different nuances to the environment, different sounds... Changes are always in motion... There are different seasons, different cycles of the moon, different phases with day and night, the tides flow in and recede, the humidity of the air fluctuates... Nothing is ever boring or repeated in Nature. Change is a natural and crucial part … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
December 18, 2013 by Leave a Comment
Luna and Gaia's intimate relationship... Every few days and nights around and on a Full Moon, I feel the energy intensely... Here on the celestial body of Mother Earth, we're affected by all other celestial bodies, especially in our solar system. We're not an Earth "bubble" separate from everything else in our glorious universe... We're all so connected and the most obvious example is closest to our home of Gaia... Since the Moon began its orbit around Earth, these two have had an … [Read more...]