
Encouragement for your path’s upstream journeys…

When you need a boost of courage to persevere on your unique path of life, let the salmon’s own journey empower you. A few days ago I unexpectedly encountered wild salmon at Potter Marsh, Alaska. The changing colours of Nature captivated me, so I paused to explore. I looked over a boardwalk and noticed these beautiful, mature fish swimming in the shallow waters of the marsh. As I gazed at them, I was reminded how the life journey of salmon is truly astonishing! I felt humbled and … [Read more...]

It’s all a matter of perspective…

When caterpillars are ready to evolve to their next stage (the butterfly chrysallis or moth cocoon), they have a persistent drive to find the perfect location to transform. When I created an urban garden of native prairie plants that appealed to many species of butterflies, I saw firsthand that caterpillars will crawl incredible distances in that search! It was amazing to see. Many times they end up where it suddenly seems like a "dead end", but they persevere. From our own greater … [Read more...]