Have you ever had the experience of suddenly noticing something for the first time, even though you've looked at that person, animal, plant or environment countless times before? It's as if you suddenly no longer have blinders on, and you can truly see? We all have our own unique filters of perception. Our filters are continuously shifting with our personal growth and experiences. Everything we experience through our senses is automatically analyzed and judged, based on our conditioning … [Read more...]
“DEVIL’S CLUBS” teach: Beauty or Beast? Wisdom [video]…
Filed Under: Blog, Guidance & Insights, Nature Experiences, Nature teachings [VIDEOS], Perspective-Shifting Facts of Nature Tagged With: Alaska, beauty and the beast, Chugach forest, devil's club, divine design, heart, hidden beauty, higher perception, love, Nature teaching, Nature wisdom, perception, personal filters, Sacred Earth Connection, truly see

Our multi-dimensional world always beckons us to expand our sense of perception... We are definitely always surrounded by multiple beings of realms beyond what our physical senses can perceive. More and more, my physical senses are perceiving them as well and I'm not the only one experiencing this. What changes is simply our sense of perception. It's like those specially created pictures that we're meant to focus on for our vision to shift, and suddenly completely new images are clearly … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Blog, Guidance & Insights, Mystical & Divine Flow Experiences, Nature Experiences, Perspective-Shifting Facts of Nature Tagged With: Ancient Ones, awareness, bridge, communication, dragon, Elemental, expand, magical, miracles, multi-dimensional, perception, realm, Shaman, shift, Star People, tribal