The ocean is such a mysterious, beautiful place... When I immerse myself in the wonderful blue, warm waters of the ocean, I'm surrounded by vast space and dancing sunlight... It's a completely different world than on land... It's being in the inner space of Mother Earth as opposed to the outer space of Father Sky... Yet, both are so tangible here, reminding us of our multi-dimensional nature... inner and outer spaces are the same... When the wild Dolphins choose to spend time with us, … [Read more...]
May 16, 2013 by Leave a Comment
It's always such a blessing to encounter these beautiful, docile beings of the ocean!... This one was sunning herself and resting on the warm lava stones of Hawaii, fully being in the moment... while others were floating like little islands in the shallow water near the shore, feeding peacefully, occasionally poking their heads out of the water to take in another breath... making eye contact... Having voluteered 11 years ago for 3 months in Costa Rica on the Pacific side, for PRETOMA … [Read more...]