Moonlight treasures... Many plants and pollinating insects such as moths have evolved to reflect the special light of the moon!... Most white flowers actually have no scent until the sun sets, and then the magick happens... On a still night with barely a breeze, their perfume gently wafts on air currents and delights the senses... enticing their nocturnal pollinators to their blossoms. Moths, such as this "Pale Beauty" are translucent white and in the moonlight they glow like … [Read more...]
August 20, 2013 by Leave a Comment
Nature's delightful nocturnal symphony... I love Nature's symphonies at all times, including the song birds during the day... There's something so uplifting with them all - notes of joyfulness that proclaim the pure essence of every being that sings and calls out. I find that the nocturnal symphony, beginning with the sunset, is so delightful since there's less for our eyes to see with the darkness. It seems that our sense of hearing receives much more nuances of the different notes … [Read more...]