
Our moon intimately reminds us of our amazing true nature…

It's easy to feel disconnected from our true nature when lifestyles include very little connection with Nature. However, anyone who works with the public on a regular basis has most likely noticed the effects of full moons on people's behaviours! There's a direct relationship. The moon continuously offers us a reminder that we're intimately related to the cycles of Nature and lunar phases, regardless of our lifestyles. It reminds us that we are Nature ourselves. We can't hide from the … [Read more...]

Transform the world simply by being YOU!…

If you're one who desires to see change in the world, but you feel overwhelmed at times (or all the time) about how any one person can possibly make a difference, this post is for you. :) It's all a matter of perspective!... When we look at the issues plaguing our world at this time, and there's certainly no shortage(!), the overwhelm kicks in, since we're looking at it from a global and physical perspective. From that vantage point, we feel small and powerless in the face of such a grand … [Read more...]

The unexpected gift of an urban tree…

When we live from the heart, we have a higher appreciation ability. This greatly enhances all our experiences of life. Even when certain circumstances might not seem favourable, we're able to receive the gem within them or that emerges from them. Life is no longer just a series of "good" or "bad" experiences, but a journey of discoveries that teach us about ourselves, others and this amazing world we live in. Having an open heart allows us to make the most of any situation, so that … [Read more...]

Don’t burn out, take a “time out”…

In this world of schedules, long "to do" lists, high expectations and periodical chaos, it's easy to burn out. Modern society leaves people's bodies in a continuous "fight or flight" stress reaction, due to over-stimulation from multiple sources at the same time. Since so many people are under pressure to continuously do, do, do, "burn out" is one of the most common dis-eases of our time. It seems to take radical circumstances, such as a health crisis, to bring people to a grinding, … [Read more...]

If you feel restless or bored, dive into the unknown!…

Nature is ever-changing. Every day offers something completely new... There's a different sky, different weather combinations, different nuances to the environment, different sounds... Changes are always in motion... There are different seasons, different cycles of the moon, different phases with day and night, the tides flow in and recede, the humidity of the air fluctuates... Nothing is ever boring or repeated in Nature.   Change is a natural and crucial part … [Read more...]

Miracles, miracles and more miracles…

At this time it can be quite easy to look at this world's chaos and wonder if we'll even make it another decade on this precious planet. Many have expressed their concerns to me lately. However, we always have the freedom to choose what we focus on and the media rarely focuses on the beautiful and positive. When we focus on what seems like madness in the world, our energy plummets and we can easily feel overwhelmed. When we focus on the love in our world, our energy elevates as we … [Read more...]

Encouragement for your path’s upstream journeys…

When you need a boost of courage to persevere on your unique path of life, let the salmon’s own journey empower you. A few days ago I unexpectedly encountered wild salmon at Potter Marsh, Alaska. The changing colours of Nature captivated me, so I paused to explore. I looked over a boardwalk and noticed these beautiful, mature fish swimming in the shallow waters of the marsh. As I gazed at them, I was reminded how the life journey of salmon is truly astonishing! I felt humbled and … [Read more...]

The divine gift of sensuality…

Sensuality pertains to experiencing life through all our senses, in our physical bodies. It's a privilege for us to be able to experience life this way on Mother Earth, where Nature herself is so beautifully sensual. Unfortunately for so many of us, our upbringing not only discouraged us from feeling the pleasures of life, but made pleasures something to avoid if we didn't want our souls to be condemned. The authorities distorted something divinely created into something related … [Read more...]

Nature’s lesson about flow instead of resistance…

When we're attuned to Nature with awareness, we notice the natural cycles of life as they unfold. The moon, the sun, the plants, the animals... they all speak to us and notify us of change. When we know the nuances of different environments, we can even tell when seasons are transitioning to another, regardless what month the calendar might say. Nature is ever-changing and doesn't follow the linear time that humans have created. It simply goes through its cycles and every year and … [Read more...]

The power of love is beyond logic…

By nature, we are love. We're also miracles.  Science can state the facts of observation, but in the end, only divine love creates and explains the miraculous. Science can't explain how two microscopic cells that unite, transform into countless forms of life, including human beings. They simply do, and divine love makes it possible -  it makes anything and everything possible. When we recognize the miraculous in ourselves and in the environments that surround us, we can begin to grasp … [Read more...]