
We all count, more than we can imagine!…

Mushrooms and other fungi are greatly undervalued for the highly significant roles they play in our environment... They keep our forests healthy by decomposing dead matter and recycle them into usable nutrients for other life-forms like the trees, plants, etc. Plants like the beautiful orchids would not even exist without special species of fungi that they evolved with. No matter what role we play in our world, when we are at our best, and use our unique qualities, talents and gifts, … [Read more...]

It’s all a matter of perspective…

When caterpillars are ready to evolve to their next stage (the butterfly chrysallis or moth cocoon), they have a persistent drive to find the perfect location to transform. When I created an urban garden of native prairie plants that appealed to many species of butterflies, I saw firsthand that caterpillars will crawl incredible distances in that search! It was amazing to see. Many times they end up where it suddenly seems like a "dead end", but they persevere. From our own greater … [Read more...]

The Universe LOVES to fill voids!…

If you find yourself desiring something new, or an upgrade on something you already have, here's a wonderful tip for you... The Universe LOVES to fill voids! It's a natural phenomenon that we can use to our advantage... To see this in action, simply look at Nature. Anyone who gardens or maintains a landscape knows that if we just let things go, pretty soon there's no space left. Everything becomes grown-in surprisingly quickly... After a large tree falls or a forest fire, it … [Read more...]

Anything & Everything IS POSSIBLE!…

In addition to "Miracles Of The Day", I feel inspired to also share different teachings that Nature provides us, so that they may inspire you on your own unique journey of life, as they have inspired me on mine... They might also expand your own awareness of the lessons that Nature provides UNIQUELY TO YOU... This one comes to mind as Spring advances, since I always feel that seeing my first bumblebee is a SURE sign that Spring has arrived!... And I find them so endearing... From many … [Read more...]

Miracles are LOVE, not a mystery…

Divine love, which is the highest frequency of energy in the Universe, makes everything possible. When we align ourselves with it, and believe or know that anything is possible... we open our life to infinite possibilities, including miracles. We can all feel whether energy is "heavy" or uplifting, but don't necessarily realize it's due to different frequencies. We just know how it affects us. Higher frequencies feel good to us and promote well-being, while lower frequencies don't. The … [Read more...]

Wildlife: perfect for testing our frequency…

We're complex beings as humans. So many aspects come together to just create our physical bodies. And all of it is beautiful energy - like everything that exists. Different frequencies affect us in different ways and understanding that can be used to our benefit. Energy can be defined into different wavelengths of vibration. Many of us experience a wide range within a 24 hour period depending on our lifestyle and if we sleep well. The brain itself has currently five known distinct waves … [Read more...]

Shine your brilliant diamond light!

My very first blog... it's time to connect with each other! To share who we truly are in our world, is the greatest gift we can give to each other - and ourselves. To not only acknowledge each others' individuality, but to also accept it without judgement and celebrate it, is also showing appreciation for the Divine's gift to us - life! Each one of us is here for a reason. On "Global Oneness Day" two weeks ago, I shared the stage with others at an event in celebration of that day.  That … [Read more...]