On our paths of life, it can seem like it would be so much simpler or better at times if we were handed a "road map" with every new experience, inspiration, or endeavor we choose to undertake... Clear step-by-step instructions on how to manifest an inspiration or vision within a specific time... Clear directions to navigate a new experience... A clear map indicating apparent roadblocks, detours, shortcuts, and smooth roads versus bumpy ones, to arrive at a desired result... But this … [Read more...]
SPIDERS teach: Letting Go is Wise not “Failure”… [video]…
As co-creators of our lives and this world, we're continuously focusing our energy ahead on beginnings, growth, expansion and evolving. However, when it comes to things that no longer serve us or appear to not have worked out (based on expectations or aspirations), we've been taught as a culture that it's not a positive thing - it's a "failure". Well, the spider has a different spin on this cultural view, which is not only wise but beneficial at all stages of human … [Read more...]
WILD VIOLETS teach: Presence Expands Perception [video]…
If you sometimes feel like you're caught in a "rat race" or "hamster wheel", or that your life is passing you by, or that you never have enough time to do all the things you need to do, never mind what you want to do... the concept of taking some time to just BE, might feel unattainable for you... What if I shared with you a perspective about being present and meditation, with a benefit that you might not have heard before, that could extend to every part of your life, and enhance your … [Read more...]
“DEVIL’S CLUBS” teach: Beauty or Beast? Wisdom [video]…
Have you ever had the experience of suddenly noticing something for the first time, even though you've looked at that person, animal, plant or environment countless times before? It's as if you suddenly no longer have blinders on, and you can truly see? We all have our own unique filters of perception. Our filters are continuously shifting with our personal growth and experiences. Everything we experience through our senses is automatically analyzed and judged, based on our conditioning … [Read more...]
PINECONES teach: Powerful Truth of our Desires [video]…
As human beings we have the ability to look back on our life experiences. This can be such a gift when we do so with awareness, for we're able to discover patterns, "connect the dots" and see things from a greater perspective. We can see how much we've personally transformed, evolved, and experienced. It can also assist us in living more consciously in the present moment... When we see the impact that every decision we've made, has had on the rest of our lives, we also become aware of how … [Read more...]