Wow! This inspired new video shares a lot in itself, to support you to Shine your Light, as you're meant to, but I didn't anticipate that it would become an adventure of opposing resistance, which took me and Michael by surprise (I explain further below)! Since my focus remains primarily on my continuous writing journey of "Sacred Possibilities" book 2, divine Spirit and Nature have limited the inspiration I require for new videos (each one is a project in itself that requires focused … [Read more...]
LANDSCAPES teach: Their Calls offer Benefits [video]…
Have you ever wondered why you gravitate towards certain landscapes while you don't seem to notice others at all? Or perhaps a landscape that never interested you before suddenly feels like you just have to go there? Each of us has a unique path to live, with many allies supporting us along our journey of life. Some of these allies can have the form of landscapes. Each type of landscape offers its own combination of energies to support us. Whether we notice these invitations and … [Read more...]
MOSSES teach: Hidden Gifts of our Shadows [video]…
This is officially the beginning of Sacred Earth Connection™ videos! I chose to launch the first video today, on one of Nature's most significant days this year: it's not only the Equinox, but also a New "supermoon" Moon AND Solar Eclipse! In Alaska, we're now welcoming the Spring season. The launch of this first video is aligned with the energies that invite us to emerge from obscurity into the light of visibility, like the plants that push through the dark soil … [Read more...]
Your love is sooo contagious, it will surprise you!…
If you desire to live in a world that is governed by love-centered hearts instead of the opposite, but you feel discouraged by what you see or experience and wonder how any one person, like you, can possibly make a difference, this post is for you! From environments to governments, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless when we look at the issues plaguing our world at this time. However, each one of us holds the key to transforming this world into what we desire it to be. That … [Read more...]
Our moon intimately reminds us of our amazing true nature…
It's easy to feel disconnected from our true nature when lifestyles include very little connection with Nature. However, anyone who works with the public on a regular basis has most likely noticed the effects of full moons on people's behaviours! There's a direct relationship. The moon continuously offers us a reminder that we're intimately related to the cycles of Nature and lunar phases, regardless of our lifestyles. It reminds us that we are Nature ourselves. We can't hide from the … [Read more...]
Miracles, miracles and more miracles…
At this time it can be quite easy to look at this world's chaos and wonder if we'll even make it another decade on this precious planet. Many have expressed their concerns to me lately. However, we always have the freedom to choose what we focus on and the media rarely focuses on the beautiful and positive. When we focus on what seems like madness in the world, our energy plummets and we can easily feel overwhelmed. When we focus on the love in our world, our energy elevates as we … [Read more...]
Instead of feeling anger, let it fuel you!…
Anger is such a strong and potent emotion. When we feel anger towards another, it's like sending daggers of energy, laser-focused and tangible. When two people have been fighting in a room, or when there's been war on a specific space of land, we immediately feel it in our own energy bodies. It doesn't feel good to us. Imagine the power of using this anger energy in a beneficial way instead of a harmful or destructive way... I was hiking one of my favourite trails today by … [Read more...]
Rise of the love phoenix…
Our world is changing in more ways than we can perceive. Mother Earth has had enough of the abuse, the lack of reverence and respect, the domination mentality that is only self-serving, the greed without regard for how it negatively affects the greater whole... This affects each of us on a personal level for we're intimately connected to our beautiful Gaia. There's a deep awakening emerging within souls everywhere. Many will choose to keep ignoring the call of their hearts … [Read more...]