It's easy to feel disconnected from our true nature when lifestyles include very little connection with Nature. However, anyone who works with the public on a regular basis has most likely noticed the effects of full moons on people's behaviours! There's a direct relationship. The moon continuously offers us a reminder that we're intimately related to the cycles of Nature and lunar phases, regardless of our lifestyles. It reminds us that we are Nature ourselves. We can't hide from the … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Luna and Gaia's intimate relationship... Every few days and nights around and on a Full Moon, I feel the energy intensely... Here on the celestial body of Mother Earth, we're affected by all other celestial bodies, especially in our solar system. We're not an Earth "bubble" separate from everything else in our glorious universe... We're all so connected and the most obvious example is closest to our home of Gaia... Since the Moon began its orbit around Earth, these two have had an … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Our sacred garden in the universe... I just spent some time star-gazing... it's a cool and calm night with a crystal clear sky... so perfect, it's amazing that it's All Soul's Night and no snow... The stars, planets and Milky Way are so brilliant, it simply leaves me in absolute awe... So many things are just impossible to describe... not even photographs or words can capture how much those experiences move us at the level of our hearts and souls... We feel it within... Gazing up at … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Moonlight treasures... Many plants and pollinating insects such as moths have evolved to reflect the special light of the moon!... Most white flowers actually have no scent until the sun sets, and then the magick happens... On a still night with barely a breeze, their perfume gently wafts on air currents and delights the senses... enticing their nocturnal pollinators to their blossoms. Moths, such as this "Pale Beauty" are translucent white and in the moonlight they glow like … [Read more...]
Gifted surprises from the sky... It's a New Moon and this makes the stars, etc. that much more visible. Recently, the northern lights have been very bright and active. I woke up in the middle of the night and looked outside the bedroom window to see if I'd catch a glimpse of them... I saw the brightly shining stars and constellations that seemed so close and were so clear. No northern lights to be seen, however, within one minute I saw two gloriously big and bright falling stars shoot … [Read more...]
Our ever-changing Sky... I'm always as aware of what's going on above me as around me. Our sky is so dynamic with ever-changing colours created by the sun (sunrises, sunsets, rainbows, aurora borealis), clouds, flying animals and objects, storms, winds, stars, planets, moon... A lot of people seem surprised to find me observing the sky when they notice me doing so... they expect to see something amazing since I'm looking up!... I find our sky extraordinary as it is, at all times, … [Read more...]
Gaia's relationship with Luna... celebrating our "Supermoon" Full Moon!... Its official time depends on your location, but regardless, this Full Moon will appear brighter and closer than usual tonight and tomorrow night. Due to its elliptical orbit around Earth, its distance varies along its course, and so this Full Moon IS closer to Earth than during the rest of the year - hence the term "supermoon". Its effects will be greater because it's close AND a Full Moon. Anyone on or within … [Read more...]