You're more like the sun than you might realize!... Have you ever heard about how plants do so much better when you show them affectionate attention and loving appreciation in various ways? Have you ever wondered why that is, or considered that perhaps they respond to love the way they respond to sunlight? Now that there's visible sunlight all day and night here in Alaska, I recently enjoyed a beautiful sunset at the shore of the Knik Arm water channel that flows by Anchorage. As I watched … [Read more...]
NATURE teaches: Personal Filters are Limiting [video]…
Whether you're conscious of it or not, you have personal filters that are unique to you, and dictate how you perceive everything in life. No one else experiences life the way you do. Our personal filters are most apparent when we interact with other people - especially in a group where we've experienced something together, and when we discuss it afterwards, we each have different details that stood out for us. Our filters make certain things prominent for us in an experience, while other … [Read more...]
FOREST GIANTS teach: Rewards of Life’s Storms [video]…
It can be daunting at times as we journey on our paths of life and come face-to-face with experiences that throw us out of our comfort zones! Sometimes we can see or feel these experiences coming, but they still challenge us in some way, regardless of our foresight. Other times they unexpectedly slam into us, leaving us wondering how and why we ended up in those situations. It's not always apparent in the moment, why we're experiencing these storms of life. We might not understand … [Read more...]
MOSSES teach: Hidden Gifts of our Shadows [video]…
This is officially the beginning of Sacred Earth Connection™ videos! I chose to launch the first video today, on one of Nature's most significant days this year: it's not only the Equinox, but also a New "supermoon" Moon AND Solar Eclipse! In Alaska, we're now welcoming the Spring season. The launch of this first video is aligned with the energies that invite us to emerge from obscurity into the light of visibility, like the plants that push through the dark soil … [Read more...]
The “worst case scenario” is only one of many possibilities…
There will always be a "worst case scenario" to the many life situations we find ourselves in and in so many cases, that's what the focus lands on. Regardless of the situation, the emphasis automatically seems to be on that negative "most probable outcome" and not necessarily on all the other possibilities available. It's always in our favour to keep in mind that for every situation, there is also a "best case scenario" (even if you receive a mere 0.1% chance of that scenario … [Read more...]
The power of love is beyond logic…
By nature, we are love. We're also miracles. Science can state the facts of observation, but in the end, only divine love creates and explains the miraculous. Science can't explain how two microscopic cells that unite, transform into countless forms of life, including human beings. They simply do, and divine love makes it possible - it makes anything and everything possible. When we recognize the miraculous in ourselves and in the environments that surround us, we can begin to grasp … [Read more...]
Any space can be sacred (even your car’s)…
Sacred space is like a vortex that emanates a higher frequency in our environment. Regardless what environment we're in, whether a room in a home, an office at a workplace, an automobile, a garden,... we can create sacred space within it that nurtures us on a spiritual level. It's a physical representation of what resonates with our divine heart and soul, so that our minds can align with our spiritual nature and what's beyond the physical. It reminds us that we're so much more than … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Our beautiful, divine essences... Do you know what your true self feels and looks like? If you suddenly found yourself in a location that makes you feel your absolute best, with no one around to judge you (and no self-judgment), with COMPLETE freedom to be who you TRULY are at your heart and soul... what would you do, who would you be and how would you feel?... When we spend time doing the things that really, fully resonate with our hearts, we express our true nature. When we spend … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Mother Earth, our celestial HOME... Tomorrow, April 22nd is known officially as "Earth Day". It's a beautiful gesture to take the time to pause and celebrate our magnificent home in the solar system and universe for one day. I feel that if every day we took the time to appreciate our planet for all that she provides for us daily, which "Earth Day" brings into our awareness, things would be different in our world, in a good way. People who are more mindful of their roles as stewards … [Read more...]