This has been such a prominent inquiry this past week, that I've decided to post a reference here (as I'm sure many more are wondering the same thing!). I thank all of you who have asked so that this may serve many more. So how do you interpret the significance or meaning of your personal essence signs and language? What does a sign mean for you when you receive it? What is its message? It's important to keep in mind that we're all so unique, and therefore every sign can mean … [Read more...]
Resources for interpreting your soul language (personal essence signs)…
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Nature's teachings... What we admire, notice or are attracted to in Nature can teach us a lot about ourselves. It can reflect different aspects of our personal essences and guide us. Trees, flowers, stones, animals, clouds, etc... all have their own folklore, symbology and "medicine" known throughout many cultures around the world. For the purpose of this post, I'll mention only a few simple ones and invite you to think about your own personal interpretations based on your sense of … [Read more...]

Animal Spirit Guide messengers... When we become aware that life is fully aware of us at all times, we also receive messages from every possible source in our environments, whether natural or artificial... Animals of all types are messengers that show up at different times to guide us along our paths. They always show up in unusual or repetitive ways to allow us to recognize that they're not just another animal, but a messenger for us. Sometimes an animal we wouldn't think of suddenly … [Read more...]

The language and significance of numbers... Numbers, regardless how we encounter them, can assist us in our everyday life with their coded meanings. Most people I know have at least one number that they feel is special to them and recognize when it shows up. Repetitive numbers call our attention to their message(s). We're able to have a broader perspective of the energies at hand, guiding us on our journeys. Numbers are especially useful when we're immersed in artificial environments and … [Read more...]