The splendour of crystals above and below... I've always loved and been fascinated by crystals... whether those that form below, within Mother Earth's nurturing body, or above on her beautiful surface... These treasures blossom under just the right, divinely orchestrated conditions, and produce countless varieties... Those below Earth's surface create every colour of the rainbow and beyond. They withstand extreme conditions such as immense pressure and heat that gift us their gloriously … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Divinely created masterpieces... While everything created by the Divine is a glorious miracle that fills me with loving wonder and reverence, I discover particular creations at times that seem to burst with artistic joy!... When I first discovered this Green Darner dragonfly (in my former urban backyard of gardens)... I was in absolute awe!... Not only is its size of 4 inches from wing tip to wing tip very impressive, but the colour combinations are so striking and bedazzling! This one … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Celestial paintings... I just so love, love, love how beautiful our sky gets "painted" with the most radiant colours at sunrise and sunset... Shades of gold, crimson, purple, pink, red, lavender, indigo, yellow, orange, peach, fuschia,... the nuances of colours fade and blaze and dance across the horizon... and it's always different!... How fortunate we are to be able to see and experience a new divinely created masterpiece every morning and evening, providing infinite sun-infused … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Divine floral designs... Flowers are so much more than just a splash of colour on the landscape... They are delightful invitations of food for pollinators to assist with producing the next generation of blossoming plants... They are exquisite beauties of petals that reveal all colours of the rainbow and beyond... They are elixirs of delicious aromas that infuse our environment and being... They are glorious masterpieces of countless shapes, sizes, colour combinations, … [Read more...]