Pure light's radiant colours!... Sooooo many Rainbows are showing up every day in the most unusual ways and places... and I love every single one of them! Many things light up my spirit - it honestly doesn't take much for me to feel bliss! Rainbows are always a sure one for me, and they seem to have that effect on many people also. Especially when people see a rainbow arching across the sky... I've seen many stop what they're doing just to be fully present with it... it's … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥

Journeys into the unknown... As I watched this glorious Samhain sunset this evening, an enormous flock of Canada geese were flying in a long 'V' formation, southbound... They have begun their long migration to warmer locations in the southern U.S. or further... They don't let the unknowns of this incredible journey stop them... They just know when it's time to follow their calling and they go for it, using what they have... their own inner navigation system and wings!... ♥ (I … [Read more...]