As the sacred union between limitless Spirit and miraculous Nature, we, as human beings, are meant to experience the magnificent, the magickal, the miraculous - everything that defies logic, every day in our everyday life! It's living life in alignment with our divine, true nature. One of my favourite quotes, by Elbert Hubbard, beautifully expresses this: "The supernatural is the natural not yet understood.". It's so true! The more light-hearted and playful we are about our desires, the … [Read more...]
The immense power of Emotion in everyday life situations…
It’s easy to allow the strong emotions of fear, worry or doubt to overwhelm us in the face of a crisis or an uncertain situation that appears to threaten some aspect of our life. It’s an automatic response from our protective self. However, when we allow for higher emotions to affect our possible outcomes instead, miracles can manifest. The following personal story demonstrates how every moment is dictated by the power of Emotion, governed by the sacred element of … [Read more...]
BUTTERFLY teaches: Chaos has a Sacred Purpose [video]…
In general, chaos is seen as something that destroys rather than something that creates. It's viewed as something synonymous to negative rather than positive. Chaos in the way that I define it in this blog post and video, is any experience that challenges you through an unexpected or difficult change of routine, lifestyle, home, relationship, identity, security, etc. It requires that you stretch beyond what feels familiar and comfortable to you. I don't know … [Read more...]
OWLS teach: Silence is a Priceless Gift [video]…
What's your relationship with silence? Do you enjoy it and invite it into your life, or do you avoid it for it doesn't make you feel good in some way? Your relationship with silence can reflect back to you your relationship with yourself and the mystical. For many, complete silence also means "not doing anything" and that equates to "a waste of time". Silence is actually an invaluable gift. It's a gift that also gets buried under the long lists of things to do, in a world where so … [Read more...]
SQUIRRELS teach: Fearlessness is a Superpower… [video]…
Have you ever wondered how different life would be for you if you didn't have certain fears? Most people have experienced a form of fear at some point in their life, for fears are very sneaky. As our most primal emotion, fear shows up in so many disguises, to protect us from the unknown where possible "dangers" might be lurking. They show up as worries, doubts, resistance, stories, anger, beliefs, competitiveness, anxiety, possessiveness, addictions, criticism, judgement, obsessions, … [Read more...]
SUNLIGHT teaches: Miraculous is our Love-Light [video]…
You're more like the sun than you might realize!... Have you ever heard about how plants do so much better when you show them affectionate attention and loving appreciation in various ways? Have you ever wondered why that is, or considered that perhaps they respond to love the way they respond to sunlight? Now that there's visible sunlight all day and night here in Alaska, I recently enjoyed a beautiful sunset at the shore of the Knik Arm water channel that flows by Anchorage. As I watched … [Read more...]
NATURE teaches: Personal Filters are Limiting [video]…
Whether you're conscious of it or not, you have personal filters that are unique to you, and dictate how you perceive everything in life. No one else experiences life the way you do. Our personal filters are most apparent when we interact with other people - especially in a group where we've experienced something together, and when we discuss it afterwards, we each have different details that stood out for us. Our filters make certain things prominent for us in an experience, while other … [Read more...]
MUSHROOMS teach: We have Extraordinary Power [video]…
It's easy in this day and age to overlook the incredible wonders, the magick, the miracles, the extraordinary, that surrounds us every moment of every day... AND that we have within us! There are so many distractions that infuse our lives in all forms of technology, media, expectations and countless thoughts saturating or minds. In the face of all the issues that plague our world, one can wonder if there really is any hope at all for a better world. Yes, there is. The truth is, we … [Read more...]
Support can show up in unexpected ways!…
We always have an infinite amount of support available to us as we journey through life on our unique paths. All we have to do is ask for it (for Spirit respects free will). Support can show up in countless forms, including an unexpected flow of resources, opportunities, connections, something we desired, synchronicities, information or gifts. However, some forms of support can also show up in ways we don't expect! They seem to turn our life upside down, to create disharmony or chaos, … [Read more...]
Transform the world simply by being YOU!…
If you're one who desires to see change in the world, but you feel overwhelmed at times (or all the time) about how any one person can possibly make a difference, this post is for you. :) It's all a matter of perspective!... When we look at the issues plaguing our world at this time, and there's certainly no shortage(!), the overwhelm kicks in, since we're looking at it from a global and physical perspective. From that vantage point, we feel small and powerless in the face of such a grand … [Read more...]