A family as vast as the stars in our universe... Within our hearts, most of us desire a world where love, kindness, appreciation, harmony, community and celebration of everyone's individuality (including our own) prevail. I truly believe this can be achieved. If we each lovingly embrace every type of being that exists in our global family, then we will co-create the world that we desire - from our hearts... Our hearts know a language that is universal and when we use it, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Interactive energy fields in the holiday season... Since we're seemingly physical beings in our solid bodies and environments, it's easy to forget that we're actually energy beings, on all levels... Our bodies are all energy, even though they feel solid, and our thoughts, emotions and words are energy... Our personal fields of energy also expand far beyond our physical bodies... What does this mean for us?... At every given moment, our energy is interacting with everyone else's, and … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Celestial paintings... I just so love, love, love how beautiful our sky gets "painted" with the most radiant colours at sunrise and sunset... Shades of gold, crimson, purple, pink, red, lavender, indigo, yellow, orange, peach, fuschia,... the nuances of colours fade and blaze and dance across the horizon... and it's always different!... How fortunate we are to be able to see and experience a new divinely created masterpiece every morning and evening, providing infinite sun-infused … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Artists of Nature... With the trees being bare of leaves, the birds' nests that were built in the spring and summer are now clearly visible. During my Nature hike today I noticed this beautifully woven nest hanging 40 feet above me in a tree (most likely the intricate work of a Baltimore Oriole). As I admired it, I was reminded of all the incredible artists of our natural world... to name a few... So many birds are expert weavers for their nests to withstand the weather's elements... … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Heart connections... Our hearts speak the universal language of love, which every form of life recognizes and understands... The highest energy frequency, with the power to create miracles, love flows through us all and unites us as a universal family... Nothing feels more divine than connecting with All through our love and hearts... ♥ With love and wonder-filled spirit, … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Sense of wonder... I have no doubt in my mind (and heart) that animals have just as much a sense of wonder and beauty as we do... I've seen many different species looking at beautiful sunsets, just gazing without moving,... simply fully in the moment, looking mesmerized... I've seen many different species looking up at the brilliantly shining moon and sing or howl for no apparent reason except to express awe... I've seen many different species leisurely walk through a meadow of … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Animal Spirit Guides & Guardians... We all have at least one and today I honour mine for travelling the journey of life with me... some since I was very young, and others have joined me within the past couple of years and even more recently... When you encounter an animal in an unusual way, or repeatedly within a short period of time, or you've always felt a connection with a certain animal (whether mammal, reptile, bird, insect, fish, etc...), look them up and see what message they … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Collectively beneficial relationships... Throughout Nature, we see examples of how life exchanges a give and take in balance, so that everyone benefits... this enables the ecosystems to thrive in harmony... Pollinators receive food from flowers, mostly in the form of nectar, in exchange for fertilizing the blossoms... Herbivores eat plants and fruit that stimulate new growth while also dispersing the plants' seeds... Carnivores select their prey in such a way that feeds them and keeps the … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Energy... Like everything that exists, we're also energy. Understanding this allows us to be more aware of how we affect each other through our own energy. While there are many different frequencies or wavelengths of vibration, the one I'm featuring is Nature's healing frequency. When we’re in a normal awake state with a lot of mind chatter and stress, we’re at the Beta level. When we’re deeply relaxed and experience light meditation or day-dreaming we’re at the Alpha level. Nature … [Read more...]
♥ Miracle of the Day ♥
Ancient symbols of sacred geometry... I never understood numerical sciences in school, however when I discovered sacred geometry years ago, that ignited me in a way that I hadn't imagined... It's the numerical language of creation, and examples are found throughout Nature, including our own bodies (Leonardo da Vinci demonstrated this along with many other geniuses). Common sacred geometry symbols found in Nature are the spiral and the hexagon... When I was in Hawaii I woke up one … [Read more...]