It's so easy to overlook things in our environment that we get used to seeing. We might see the same species of birds, mammals or trees and not really notice them anymore since they're no longer a novelty... I tend to do that in urban areas, but when I'm out in Nature, I always see things with wonder - as if seeing them for the first time. Even if I've seen Chickadees, Oaks, Clover, the Moon, the Sunset, or Stars thousands of times, I still delight in every one I see. Having this … [Read more...]
It's just soooo incredible and wonder-full to be able to experience a cold, snowy, bare-tree landscape in the morning, and by evening to experience a hot, colourful landscape filled with singing birds and frogs! Oh how my senses are just BURSTING with WOW-ness after 5 months of freezing winter weather... now in the middle of a floral paradise with blossoms of so many sizes, shapes, colours, scents and of course their companion pollinators of all sorts of butterflies and bees! I feel SO … [Read more...]
On this glorious New Moon, I went for a sunset hike in the still snowbound trails... I brought a special offering for this land and all beings living here, which I placed at the base of a big Balsam Fir I have a special connection with, with love and gratitude. As I walked back to the house, to my delightful surprise, I suddenly heard the call of a Great-Horned Owl!!!... Wow - I haven't heard its distinctive call since last September!... Being one of my Power Animals, who greeted me … [Read more...]
I'm SO in love and in awe with the Divinity of life!... it's so beautiful and supportive, beyond our senses!... truly! I've experienced it every day throughout my life!... Instead of meditating first thing this morning, I felt compelled to simply look outside at the glorious treed landscape that surrounds me, in quiet contemplation... I was musing about how all my life, I've been a "leaper" into the unknown... and every leap has been stretching me more and more to experience what I'm truly … [Read more...]
Your beautiful energy can change the world!
When we fully realize that WE ARE ALL ENERGY (and energy has no boundaries), we become aware of the responsibility AND opportunity that we have as individuals and as part of our global community. It makes it even more possible to "Be the change you wish to see in the world" (quote by Mahatma Gandhi). The way we choose to be, ripples out into our world. Knowledge is power. We become more conscious and empowered beings with this awareness. Simply being conscious of and increasing the higher … [Read more...]
Play with your energy!
Everything that exists is energy. By now, it's a well known fact. Science can measure it with all sorts of specialized tools - even the energy fields of our brains and hearts. Did you know that our heart's energy field is stronger and bigger than that of our brain's? When we start our day filled with negativity, the entire day seems to revolve around that, especially if the words "It's going to be one of those days!" are uttered. That becomes a powerful intention, especially when combined … [Read more...]