I’ve been spending less time on social media and more time tuning in with the energies of the winter season, observing, listening, receiving… always so empowering for me. Nature encourages us to do this, by example. During periods of rest, whether it's the winter or dry seasons, or during a drought, beings like trees, plants and many animal species, direct their energies within Mother Earth, where they rest and are nurtured. Being Nature beings ourselves (not artificial machines), it's … [Read more...]
Divine love shows up in countless, unexpected ways!…
Filed Under: Blog, Hearts, Mystical & Divine Flow Experiences, Nature Experiences, Synchronicities & Signs Tagged With: being vs doing, Divine love, divine surprise, divinity of life, eternal love, higher wisdom, illuminated heart, love hearts, magic of life, magick, miracles, more than meets the eye, moss heart, natural rhythms, Nature hearts, purposeful rest, purposeful work, unexpected gift
Share your beautiful Nature & Spirit ♥ Love Hearts ♥

Do you know how dearly loved and supported you are? When we open our hearts to love, we allow for greater connections and sacred relationship with all forms of life. These beautiful beings of Nature and Spirit (including Mother Earth and Elementals) often respond to our open, loving hearts by showing signs of love to us, as heart symbols throughout Nature and other environments. Regardless where I’ve traveled on our glorious Mother Earth, I’ve received hearts of … [Read more...]
Filed Under: Blog, Guidance & Insights, Hearts, Mystical & Divine Flow Experiences, Nature Experiences, Perspective-Shifting Facts of Nature, Synchronicities & Signs Tagged With: cloud hearts, Divine love, gifts of love, love creates miracles, love hearts, love is the way, Mother Earth love, Nature and Spirit, Nature gifts, Nature hearts, Nature love, plant hearts, Sacred Earth Connection, share the love, Spirit love, stone hearts