As co-creators of our lives and this world, we're continuously focusing our energy ahead on beginnings, growth, expansion and evolving. However, when it comes to things that no longer serve us or appear to not have worked out (based on expectations or aspirations), we've been taught as a culture that it's not a positive thing - it's a "failure". Well, the spider has a different spin on this cultural view, which is not only wise but beneficial at all stages of human … [Read more...]
“DEVIL’S CLUBS” teach: Beauty or Beast? Wisdom [video]…
Have you ever had the experience of suddenly noticing something for the first time, even though you've looked at that person, animal, plant or environment countless times before? It's as if you suddenly no longer have blinders on, and you can truly see? We all have our own unique filters of perception. Our filters are continuously shifting with our personal growth and experiences. Everything we experience through our senses is automatically analyzed and judged, based on our conditioning … [Read more...]
FOREST GIANTS teach: Rewards of Life’s Storms [video]…
It can be daunting at times as we journey on our paths of life and come face-to-face with experiences that throw us out of our comfort zones! Sometimes we can see or feel these experiences coming, but they still challenge us in some way, regardless of our foresight. Other times they unexpectedly slam into us, leaving us wondering how and why we ended up in those situations. It's not always apparent in the moment, why we're experiencing these storms of life. We might not understand … [Read more...]
MOSSES teach: Hidden Gifts of our Shadows [video]…
This is officially the beginning of Sacred Earth Connection™ videos! I chose to launch the first video today, on one of Nature's most significant days this year: it's not only the Equinox, but also a New "supermoon" Moon AND Solar Eclipse! In Alaska, we're now welcoming the Spring season. The launch of this first video is aligned with the energies that invite us to emerge from obscurity into the light of visibility, like the plants that push through the dark soil … [Read more...]
Your love is sooo contagious, it will surprise you!…
If you desire to live in a world that is governed by love-centered hearts instead of the opposite, but you feel discouraged by what you see or experience and wonder how any one person, like you, can possibly make a difference, this post is for you! From environments to governments, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and powerless when we look at the issues plaguing our world at this time. However, each one of us holds the key to transforming this world into what we desire it to be. That … [Read more...]
Do you see the “cosmic winks” on your journey?…
A "frosty" rainbow's appearance was impeccable timing on Sunday!... Do you recognize Spirit's "cosmic winks" when they show up in your life? A while ago I had posted on Facebook about how truly amazed I was by the number of rainbows I've seen here in Alaska since May. Most have been in the city of Anchorage - and this is just counting the arching rainbows that form in the sky and "touch" the land. So many manifested since my arrival, that I can say I've seen more here in half a year … [Read more...]
A tribute to Nature way up north (in words and photos)…
I'm sharing the seasonal treasures of Alaska's landscapes with you today... I feel so enthralled by Nature's wonders and beauty every single day. I just never imagined how it would captivate me this much, so far up north - Mother Earth never ceases to awe-maze me... I feel so blessed to have been able to witness and experience the glory of Alaska's wild landscapes in all their seasonal changes... a place I never planned to travel to in this life... and then Michael changed all that (so … [Read more...]
It’s our nature – powerful, multidimensional co-creators!…
Ah, the eternal "battle" of our logical minds!... It's so easy to dismiss anything that our logical minds can't explain, as being mere imagination or superstition, or to analyse phenomenons with scientific explanations and conclude that certain things are "impossible". It's what most of us have been taught to do - automatically. However, when we do that, we completely disregard our multidimensional, true nature! Instead of seeing ourselves and our world as multiple forms of visible and … [Read more...]
The unexpected gift of an urban tree…
When we live from the heart, we have a higher appreciation ability. This greatly enhances all our experiences of life. Even when certain circumstances might not seem favourable, we're able to receive the gem within them or that emerges from them. Life is no longer just a series of "good" or "bad" experiences, but a journey of discoveries that teach us about ourselves, others and this amazing world we live in. Having an open heart allows us to make the most of any situation, so that … [Read more...]